Five Star Export Import Ltd.
Five Star is a reputable exporter of Nigerian dried beans, especially black eyed bean. All our beans are sourced from premium and dedicated beans farms. Our backward integration with beans farmers ensures our beans comply with international food safety measures. Products are all subject to various checks and analyses by using accredited facilities.
We highly minimize application of pesticides. If it is used, then always within internationally acceptable limits. Our packaging is in line with global best practices. We use internationally acclaimed PICS bags for packaging and storage to ensure no insect penetration.
Export destinations
- Asia
- (Dry) Beans
Export products
- Black eyed beans
Company size
11 - 50 employees
Year established
Company details
No C21, Safiya House Suite
Kano-Zaria Road,
Kano, Nigeria
Contact Person Name:
Nura Habibu (CEO)
Contact Person Phone:
+234 8033548328