October 8, 2018 - October 9, 2018

The West African Regional Conclave is scheduled to hold in Sheraton Hotel, Abuja from 8th – 9th October 2018. The programme is organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) with the support of Indian Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Ministry of External Affairs and the Government of India.

Nigeria, the current Chair of the ECOWAS and the Headquarters of ECOWAS Commission, will provide an excellent opportunity to Indian businesses to network with not only Nigerian businesses but also with their counterparts in their 14 ECOWAS Member States.

Why attend?

The Conclave aims to serve as a platform for dialogues between India and the 15 West African countries, which are members of ECOWAS, to further strengthen the developmental partnerships. The event will also focus on economic and commercial deliberations through Business to Government (B2Gs) and Business to Business (B2Bs) engagements.

It will be a platform for Indian and African private sectors and key financial institutions to identify priority areas and special projects for Indian investment and partnership, with a long-term commitment to West Africa.


Highlights during the event

You are recommended to join some activities:

  •  Business to Government and Business to Business (B2B) meetings
  •  Sessions on investment opportunities in the sector
  • Mini conferences


Your Benefits

  •       Government to Business networking (G2G)
  •       B2B contacts and business relationship

To register?

Visit the website for registration and updates.