Port Harcourt
Regional office
Are you in the South South region? visit the Port Harcourt Regional Office. Our team of experienced staff would be at hand to assist you.
Street address Port Harcourt
No 7 & 9, Peremabri Street, D-Line, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
<i class="fas fa-phone" data-fa-transform="rotate-90"></i> <a href="tel:+234 805 514 2951">+234 805 514 2951</a><br><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><i class="fas fa-at"></i> <a href="mailto:portharcourt@nepc.gov.ng">portharcourt@nepc.gov.ng</a><br><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->

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