UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) is a specialised agency in the United Nations system. Its primary objective is the promotion of international industrial cooperation. Their interventions are mainly focused on ensuring sustainability of quality. In Nigeria they have run several projects to support the Nigerian value chains being conform international standards.
HQ location
Vienna International Centre
Wagramerstrasse 5
P.O. Box 300
A-1400 Vienna

NEPC / Partner highlights
Collaboration between UNIDO and NEPC includes multiple great highlights including:
- Development of quality assurance (and corresponding bodies) in several value chains in Nigeria through the National Quality Infrastructure Programme (NQIP).
- Conduit of Excellence Programme, focusing on removing constraint of dry beans exports to the EU
- Development of a new trade information portal and capacity building in content creation / trade information services and development for NEPC
- Establishment of ISO 9001: 2015 training centre for NEPC to ensure accredited trainers and assessors