Market analysis tools
The list of tools below (created by International Trade Centre, ITC) allows you to conduct comprehensive market analysis like identification of promising markets, analysing trade flows, identifying and calculating import tariffs / duties, defining and comparing international standards, and much more.
Export Potential Map
The Export Potential Map translates rigorous trade analysis into practical information about export opportunities for over 4,000 products. Based on an economic model that draws on trade, tariff, GDP and geographic data, the tool helps countries spot untapped export potential as well as opportunities for export diversification.
Trade Map
Trade Map provides online access to one of the world’s largest trade databases. It presents indicators on export performance, including yearly export / import values and volumes, (average) annual growth rates, and more based on customs data around the world. Therewith you can generate international demand, alternative markets and the role of competitors from your own perspective. Tip: register for free to get access to all available data.
Market Access Map
Market Access Map provides information on applied customs tariffs, including Most Favoured Nation (MFN) tariffs and unilateral and trade agreement preferences. The application also covers tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, rules of origin, plus the corresponding certificates, bound tariffs of World Trade Organization (WTO) members, non-tariff measures and trade flows.
Sustainability Map
The Sustainability Map provides online access to a wide range of information related to sustainability initiatives, standards and trends, allowing businesses to deploy better sustainability practices in international trade. It includes global sustainability standards requirements and clarifies all types of relevant standards in international markets.